Podcast: José Mª & Ryan Talks
No. 4: Capital & Ideology
In this issue (No. 4) José Mª and Ryan talk about T. Piketty and his book “Capital and Ideology”. Some of the ideas contained in this book can be found as well in “Covid-19: The Leer más…
In this issue (No. 4) José Mª and Ryan talk about T. Piketty and his book “Capital and Ideology”. Some of the ideas contained in this book can be found as well in “Covid-19: The Leer más…
En este artículo se destacan los argumentos más significativos de la obra “Capital e Ideología”, de Thomas Piketty, que se acompañan de algunas apreciaciones formuladas por el autor del comentario. Acceder al artículo completo.