“Covid-19: The Great Reset” (World Economic Forum, Forum Publishing, Ed. 1.0, June 2020), written by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, is commented by José Mª & Ryan.

This is a good book, they consider, which provokes deep reflection, although in these extraordinary days the validity of any attempt to explain reality is necessarily limited.

It´s clear that Klaus & Thierry reflections began before the pandemic broke out. They admit that rising inequalities, widespread sense of unfairness, deepening geopolitical division, political polarization, etcetera, “existed before the pandemic” and that “the corona crisis has exacerbated them all”. They write, as well, “It is true that the state of the world today is on average considerably better than in the past”.

José Mª & Ryan consider, therefore, that a new social contract, as stated by Klaus & Thierry, would need a broad compact, and, as a consequence, the exteriorization of the consent of the citizenship to reform the diverse Constitutions.

We all want to change the world, but evolution would be better than revolution, even in these pandemic days. The delicate balance of power in our societies must be preserved. Before modifying any small mechanism, the effects for the whole system should be weighed well.

The United Nations 2030 Agenda could be a good point to start, as Klaus & Thierry show, what is a proof of a no perfect but acceptable situation of the world political governance. Once the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals were agreed unanimously by the States of the globe in 2015, the next step should be its acceptance by individuals, by the people, to extend the strength and fairness of its values in the recovery phase.

José María López Jiménez

Especialista en regulación financiera. Doctor en Derecho

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